Level Up 2: Foundational Skills

Sundays, 11:00-12:00 pm

Location: Hartmann Rink, Boulder (outdoor rink, smooth concrete surface)

Can you confidently and smoothly skate forward, glide on one foot, and stop, and are ready for more?

In this intermediate class, you'll learn foundational skills, including:

  • Multiple stopping techniques

  • Front crossovers

  • Multiple transitions (front to back, back to front)

  • Backwards skating techniques

  • Cross Pulls (backward crossovers)

  • Spins

This class is appropriate for intermediate skaters who are competent in the skills listed in Level Up 1. If you are new to SK8D8 classes, please contact us for an assessment before registering for this class. 

Instructor: Rogelio

*Our class registration and cancellation policies have changed! Please read our Class Policies page. Please contact us with any questions.

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